2023 Scholarship Award – Bowen Scholarship Committee










With the help of Principal Horton, we were able to interview Monica
Griffin via google meetings Tuesday, May 2. We had an excellent interview with

Ms. Griffin reported that she has been admitted to Augustana College in Rock
Island. Monica has already visited the school and established a connection with
student and faculty mentors. She is graduating as #2 in her class. Monica has
earned accolades as a wrestler while at Bowen. She speaks very highly of
Bowen’s Youth Guidance Wrestling Program and will continue wrestling at

When asked what advice she would offer incoming Bowen freshmen, her
the immediate response was “Join activities and clubs, and don’t be afraid to ask for

Monica is looking forward to her transition to Augustana and plans to major in
Education. As a committee, we recommended Monica Griffin be awarded this
year’s Alumni Association Scholarship of $2,00. A certificate was created and
delivered to her at the Bowen Graduation Ceremony on June 2 at Gately
Stadium. Since that time, an educational grant check for $2000 designated for
personal and out-of-pocket expenses not covered by any loan or other
scholarships has been sent to Augustana College for her use.